Holistic Counseling and Psychotherapy

Are you looking for gentle, friendly, and confidential support in dealing with difficult feelings or issues in your life?

  • AnxietyStress management, Relaxation skills, Difficult transitions, Social anxiety, Test or performance anxiety,
  • Sadness, Depression, Grief and loss, Loneliness, Winter blues
  • Self-esteem, Sensitivity, Introverted, Overwhelmed
  • Emotional pain, Difficult memories, Trauma, PTSD
  • Personal growth, Mindfulness, Dreams, Creativity, Spiritual exploration

Explore holistic psychotherapy, soul-centered counseling, and personal growth

with Edie Stone, MA, LPC, in Boulder, Colorado

Edie Stone, Holistic Therapist and Counselor

I offer natural, holistic psychotherapy and counseling for individual adults and couples. I can help you shift out of old patterns that no longer serve you, and give you new tools to transform stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, sensitivity, relationship issues, trauma, grief and loss, or difficult transitions.

Research shows that the relationship and rapport between client and therapist often matters more than theories and types of counseling. I offer a free consultation to answer your questions and help you decide if we are a good match. Call 303-415-3755 or email me to schedule your free appointment.

If you are new to counseling or therapy, click here, and I will help you understand the process.

Regardless of your experience with therapy, if you are anxious, ambivalent, or shy about coming in, I can help you relax and feel more comfortable. Don’t worry, I welcome you with all your feelings, self-doubts, and concerns.

FAQ - Some questions that new clients often wonder about . . .

  1. Can you help me?
  2. What are sessions like after the initial consultation?  
  3. I feel so stressed out, I am not able to think clearly or get my work done. Can you help me?
  4. How long will it take before I feel better?
  5. I’m not sure if I need therapy.  Isn’t therapy for crazy people?
  6. I don’t want other people to know about what I am saying or feeling.  Are the sessions private and confidential?
  7. Will I have to take psychological tests? Are there lots of forms to fill out?
  8. Do you take insurance? How much does therapy cost?
  9. I have experienced trauma in the past that is affecting me now. I know I need to work on this, but I’m afraid to start. Can you help me?
  10. I am feeling overwhelmed and confused. Can you help me?
  11. I am in a crisis, and I don’t know if I can cope any longer. I feel desperate and I’m scared that I may hurt myself or someone else.  What can I do?
  12. What is the difference between a counselor, a psychotherapist, a social worker, a psychologist, and a psychiatrist?  How do I know which one to go to?

If you wonder about any of these questions, click here for answers and discussion.

Client-centered approach. Holistic, integrative counseling methods.

My style is positive, supportive, and centered on your needs and goals. I believe that, with some support and guidance, you can rediscover and strengthen your inner resources and find your path back to a healthy and fulfilling life.

In our work together, I will draw from a broad set of tools and methods to help you meet your unique needs and goals. My approach is integrative: I believe that there is no single approach to therapy that can do justice to human complexity. So we may do some talk therapy, mixed with more active or experiential methods such as relaxation skills training, visualization, meditation, creative expression, dream exploration, Gestalt, or EMDR.

I have a holistic approach to therapy. I often consult with other health practitioners, and I especially recommend nutritional counseling if you are depressed or anxious. Sometimes anti-depressant medications are necessary, but I find that many clients improve with a holistic treatment plan that can include supplements, exercise, breath and relaxation training, body-mind or energy techniques, shifting negative self-talk, and creative expression. See my article, Relief from Depression, for examples.

Are you looking for a integrated approach to therapy that is tailored to your individual needs? Call 303-415-3755 or email me to set a time for your free consultation.

Personal Growth

Psychotherapy can also be an excellent tool for personal growth. Everyone has some negative patterns or blocks that keep them from reaching their full potential. Personal development occurs on many levels, and I help clients become more aware of physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual aspects of specific issues and patterns.

Are you ready to release patterns which no longer serve you, deepen your self-awareness, and embrace your wisdom and power? Take the next step, and remove the obstacles that keep you from reaching your full potential.

Creativity. I enjoy working with artists, musicians, actors, writers, and anyone who wants to unblock their creativity or discover deeper creative expression.

But the healing power of creativity is not just for artistic people. Even if you have never picked up a paint brush or written a poem, I can gently support you in finding new ways of expressing your feelings. Giving yourself permission to express emotions in healthy ways can be an important step in recovering from depression, anxiety, trauma, or relationship issues.

Call 303-415-3755 or email me to discuss your goals and explore the excitement of personal growth, creativity, and integrity.

Soul-Centered Counseling, Depth Psychology, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, and Spiritual Exploration

Soul-Centered Counseling.

Many of my clients want to include a soulful or spiritual dimension in their healing process. Some want to develop deeper mind-body awareness. Many are interested in exploring the meaning of their dreams. Others want to connect with their Spirit Guides through shamanic journeys.

The choice and goals are yours. My role is not to impose any one particular belief system on you, but rather to help you expand your choices and discover the paths that help you reach your full potential.
 For more about Soul-Centered Counseling, click here. For information on Shamanic Soul-Retrieval, click here. 

Depth Psychology

Find out more.

What the heck is Transpersonal Psychotherapy?

Find out here.

Discovering and walking your Spiritual Path. labyrinth
Finding your Spiritual Direction.

Whether you feel completely lost, or simply wish to be more grounded and consistent in your spiritual practice, you will find it helpful to have someone to discuss your spiritual path in an open and non-judgmental way.

Spiritual emptiness is often one root of depression, existential anxiety, alcoholism, trauma, and other painful conditions. I have been honored to facilitate and witness many deep transformations as clients have learned to stretch their minds, soften their hearts, and listen to the wisdom of the Healer Within.

Recovery, spiritual exploration, and reconnection

If you struggle to find an authentic relationship with your Higher Power, I can assist you in discovering your own path of spiritual exploration and reconnection. I can also teach you useful tools to manage anxiety. If needed, we can also use shamanic journeys or EMDR to release past trauma or painful memories that keep you disconnected from your feelings or stuck in dysfunctional patterns. Call 303-415-3755 or email me if you are serious about your recovery.


Explore Holistic Therapy

Stress management
Relaxation skills

Sensitive, overwhelmed
Loneliness, social phobia

Emotional pain
Difficult memories

Grief and loss
Difficult transitions
Winter blues – SAD


Spiritual Growth